House Florals

House Florals

Effortlessly timeless and instantly recognisable, House Florals transports the elegance of Liberty into the heart of your home. Rooted in the classic 1930s florals, the collection captures the essence of meadow flowers and humble blooms, sketched out in pencil from the artists’ windows of that era. Beautifully complemented by modern and reworked archival stripes and graphic geometrics, the smaller scale and playful patterns evoke a sense of familiarity, celebrating Liberty’s cherished heritage.

Encompassing original artworks and archival discoveries, the collection is set across the Liberty signature colour stories: Lacquer, Jade, Lapis, Pewter, and Lichen. Purposely crafted for layering and pattern play, House Florals comprises eleven floral and five geometric designs that seamlessly merge with nineteen coordinating plains from the Art Colours series. Printed on four lightweight cotton and linen bases, suitable for drapery, accessories, and occasional upholstery, these fabrics showcase a perfect blend of traditional and contemporary aesthetics for the home.

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